ADR Master 3 - Knowledge Base

Bulk ADR Cue Import Overview


Bulk Visual Event import from other platforms is supported in a variety of file formats, and is done using File > Import Events From File.

Wherever possible, all text formatting is maintained, including text colour.

Automatically Mapped Formats

The following formats allow for automatic mapping of the contents of the file to the correct ADR Cue properties fields in ADR Master:

  • .txt Text (Only if in Pro Tools® Session Info Text format)
  • .docx Microsoft Word (only if in the same format as exported by ADR Master)
  • .ttal Netflix TTAL
  • .srt SRT Subtitle format
  • .stl STL Subtitle format

Upon importing these format cues, ADR Master will parse the file and display the content in a fixed table-like manner.

For these formats, ADR Master can clearly identify how the information contained in the file should be used- as it is clearly defined by one standard layout where information about the actor, text, notes, etc can be found for each cue - so the table's column headings are locked, allowing for quicker, easier & safer import.

Suggested Manually Assignable Mapping Formats

The following parsable but less standard formats, offer suggested logical mapping of the contents of the file to the correct ADR Cue properties in ADR Master - with the opportunity to manually correct any mismatched field headings before importing:

  • .csv Comma, Semi Colon or Tab Separated text files
  • .tab Tab separated text files
  • .xlsx Microsoft Excel
  • .xml Gallery ADR Studio XML

Upon importing these format cues, ADR Master will parse the file and display the content in a manually editable table-like manner.

For these formats, ADR Master can only guess what information it may contain (using keywords in the first line of the document) - so the resultant column mapping may not always be correct. In these instances, the table has a dropdown menu on each column, which lets you map the information a column contains to the correct property for each event (e.g. start timecode, text, comment, etc). For easily-parsable formats like ADR Studio XML, these dropdown menus will be pre-selected with what ADR Master thinks is correct. Though it is still advisable to scan through the columns and make any corrections to the heading columns if needed.

Text document Formats

These formats cannot be parsed automatically, so they require more user intervention and selection / confirmation of the correct fields & adding of each event manually one by one using the Shooting Script Import window. This should be seen as more of an assisted manual logging process. This is usually the case for Shooting scripts, Dubbing scripts, Director/Production notes, or ADR cues stored in following formats:

  • .docx Microsoft Word (non-standard formatting)
  • .pdf PDF

If preferred, any format can also be imported this way using the Shooting Script Import window - by selecting the Import Events As Script button at the bottom of the Import Visual Events from File window during the import process.